Easy to Use

Secure & Authenticated

Time Saving


In Clients module, you can create various types of clients and manage client details based on the client type. You can also import multiple clients using excel template. You can also create your own dynamic fields using ‘Custom field’ option.

andica practice management client

Client Type

Sole Trader
Limited Liability Partnership
Limited company

A sole trader is a self-employed person who owns and runs their own business as an individual.

A legal form of business operation by two or more individuals who share management and profits.

A limited liability partnership is a partnership in which some or all partners have limited liabilities.

A trust company is a legal entity that acts as a trustee on behalf of a business for the purpose of management.

A charity is a non-profit organization whose primary objectives are philanthropy and social well-being.

The liability of members in limited company is limited to what they have invested in the company.

andica practice management task


You can manage all user tasks in one place. Task module provides you a simplified way to update task status using Kanban board. You can also track tasks using Countdown.


In the Countdown feature, you can keep a track of all the tasks that are due and overdue.


In Kanban feature, you can your work and workflow and thus optimize the flow of your work. You can also change the progress of the work status like ‘Due’, ‘Progress’, ‘Overdue’, ‘Completed’ and ‘Deleted’ by dragging and dropping.


Deadlines should never be missed. You can manage client deadlines by setting reminders based on your requirements using Deadline Reminder.

andica practice management countdown


Deadline countdown will help you stay informed about the deadlines you reached as well as the deadlines that are overdue or missed.


A Reminder will alert you before the actual day of the service to be performed.

andica practicemanagement calendar


You will have an option to view tasks, deadlines, events and reminders on Calendar. Users can also update the data from the calendar.


You can monitor and analyze user timesheets (recorded work hours). It also involves taking different actions e.g. calculating employee payroll, reporting manager, etc.

andica practice management timesheet

Common timesheet features

All the common timesheet features like Register and Audit are available in our Practice Management Application.

andica practice management document


You can manage all organization related documents with various views in a simple and secure way.

Document Manager

Using document manager, you can create Client or Shared Document and can also upload your own files to a particular folder.

Common Document Features

You can create, delete and rename a folder.

E - Signature

You can create a document with customized label on it for client approval.

andica practice management e-signature

Digital Signature

Using the Digital Signature feature, you can send the document to the Client for E-Signature.

andica practice management finance


You can create invoices and receipts for clients in a simplified way.

Finance Features

You can manage the bank accounts of the clients in Finance Module.


Maintain a record of the people who are interested in your company products/services and the people who are turned into your clients.

andica practice management prospects
andica practice management reports


Generate various reports for Tasks, Timesheet, Finance and Receipt.

Generate Reports

Using Reports feature, you can able to generate reports of Task, Timesheet, Finance and can save the reports in pdf, word, excel format.


Manage your employees, permissions, email configuration and other organisational related settings.

andica practice management setting

Common Settings

The Settings option will include all the other minor features which have some dependency on other features.

  • User
  • User Type Management
  • Services
  • Scheduler
  • Email Configuration
  • Template
  • My Company